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Ronnie was great to work with. Always quick to address our questions and concerns. We highly recommend her!

- Margaret Hillman

I am a Real Estate Broker in Florida. I have had several real estate deals with Ronnie over the years. She is very professional and knowledgeable. While I was out of town recently, I had the opportunity to refer to her a prospective home buyer, they were very pleased with her services that lead to them becoming a happy Sarasota homeowner.

- PJ Handler

Ronnie is a great person to deal with, she takes a personal interest in you. I have used Ronnie on several occasions, and she has always produced the desired result in a very short time and for the best value. Ronnie has always performed in a far more professional manner than you would expect, her transactions are complete and final with no loose ends. I would not hesitate to avail myself of her services in the future.

- Frank Jordan

We contacted you to sell Ruth’s home and it turned out to be a lot bigger job than we imagined. First the roof cleaning company created a leak, second was finding and scheduling the repair and third identifying other crafts people to make minor improvements. It sounds simple but it was not easy. Living 2000 miles away made it an impossible task for us until you intervened. I understand the work it added to your schedule and the time required for you to get everything completed and sell the house. I have moved six times so have experience with real estate agents. The sale of Ruth’s home presented the biggest challenges and thank goodness we had you. If we had an award for the best real estate agent we have worked with, you would be the winner.

Thank you for all your help, services, support, interest, and sale of Ruth’s Home.

- George Whitelaw

You are certainly a master in your field and I can truly say that I learned a great deal from you about what to look for and what to consider in buying a home

Most importantly, you gave me confidence that everything would work out for the best when I had doubts that the deal would ever happen because of one problem or another. I cant imagine a more positive attitude from anyone that what you conveyed to me right through our closing.

- Todd Gresick

We want you to know how grateful we are to you for all the hard work you did to sell our house. No other realtor would have put as much into it as you did.

- Don & Marge Disney

I wish you well in your prospective sales. Also I want to commend you on the quality of your professional service in the recent sale of my condominium. I simply gave you the listing and from then on you removed all the potential headache, which is exactly what I wanted and expected from a realtor. You provided prompt and timely information and commentary on all aspects of the sale of which I am sure the buyers appreciated also. I would have no hesitation in recommending you for any service pertaining to real estate. I am giving you an A+. Keep up the good work and good luck

- Eugene Ryan


There are no known words that can express how incredibly grateful we are for your kindness, guidance and going out of your way to help us find rental housing in Sarasota

We both feel like with meeting you, we not only found a superb professional realtorwe found a friend for life. You are such an amazing, intelligent and beautiful person, inside and out

Casey Realty had the lease back to us late yesterday afternoonand we could NOT have done any of this without your help

I wanted to send you an email right away, but I truly tried to find the right words to express our thanks

You are our angel! Your faith shows through in all you do, and in your lovely smile. You inspire

You will be receiving something in the mail from us, but we first wanted to write and thank you from the bottom of our hearts

May God richly bless you and attend to your every need, dear friend. My complements to Mr. and Mrs. Dussthey led us to you! When you talk to them, please convey our sincere thanks

- Steve and Laura Kushmaul

Weve been with Ronnie for years. She sold us our first house 8 years ago, so we went with her again. She sold that same house for a huge profit and then got us a great rate on our new house. We are extremely satisfied with her services and know how in the community. You would be hardpressed to find anyone better.

- Alexander and Colleen Wemyss

Anyone buying or selling a house in the Sarasota, FL area could not find a more competent, professional, caring realtor than Ronnie Caron of Caron Realty. We have been extremely impressed by her patience, persistence and concern about finding us the right house in Florida for the rest of our lives – and she did!

Ronnie took the time to understand exactly what we wanted, wasted no time in showing us higher priced options, and resolved any problems immediately and aggressively.

She even worked at night on our behalf and drove to our house for signatures on papers due the next morning. Ronnie is extremely knowledgeable about real estate and guides her clients every step of the way through all the many required processes, offering helpful advice. She is also very personable and a pleasure to be with. We have worked with other realtors in the past, but Ronnie surpasses them all. We strongly recommend her to anyone seeking an outstanding realtor in this area.

- Marilyn and Stan Amatucci

I am writing this letter to let you know about a real estate agent in Sarasota that my wife and I have been very happy with. Her name is Ronnie (Veronica) Caron of Caron Realty

Ronnie guided us through our recent purchase of a vacation condominium on short sale in Sarasota. We fell in love with the unit and complex at first sight but unfortunately there was already an offer on it. Ronnie suggested that if we really liked this property that we should make an offer quite a bit higher than the outstanding one, which we did. As a direct result of Ronnie being involved, we eventually were successful in acquiring this property. The transaction took approximately 90 days to finalize. We had a bit of an advantage in closing the transaction as Ronnie has a very good knowledge of short sales while the other realtor involved in the first offer did not

During those 90 days, however, there were problems, some major and some minor. In order to get the unit approved for federal financing, Ronnie and Sun Trust worked together to have the unit appraised and to get applications filled out and filed. Eventually 

pproved for Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae backed financing. When the appraisal came back below our offer price, Ronnie worked with the short sale lender to get them to accept the appraisal price as our revised offer. They eventually did. The woman in whose name the mortgage was taken out and one of the two occupants of the condo unit, died within this period which created additional difficulties. The other occupant of the condo was rather difficult to deal with and even more so after the death of his spouse, but Ronnie has great communication skills and eventually that person became rather fond of Ronnie. All hurdles during those 90 days were successfully scaled by Ronnie. All during that time she kept us informed in Rhode Island via emails and telephone calls of the status of the transaction. It was only later that we found out that Ronnie had to split the commission with the other realtor, representing the sellers, and who contributed very little in bringing this purchase/sale to fruition

My wife and I could not be happier with the job Ronnie Caron did for us. We recommend her highly. We now have our Florida dream vacation homedue to her expertise and persistence

- Bruce & Nancy Nelson

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